Matters Usually Requiring Attention
Things to be returned
You should return the following with a note of explanation and the date of death with each of the documents.
- Order books, payable orders or giro-cheques to the Social Security office or other office which issued payment. This applies to a Child Benefit book which includes payment for a child who has died. Orders should not be cashed after the death of the person. It may be useful to keep a record of pension book numbers or other Social Security numbers before you send anything back.
- The deceased’s passport to the Passport Office. You can get an address from the Post Office.
- The deceased’s driving licence to Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency – Swansea, SA99 1AB.
- The registration documents of a car for the change of ownership to be recorded.
- Any season tickets. Claim any refunds due.
- Library books and tickets.
- Any National Insurance papers to the relevant office.
- Any NHS equipment such as wheelchairs, hearing aids, artificial limbs.
People to tell
- The local social services department of the council if the person received meals on wheels, home help or day centre care or had an appliance or piece of equipment issued by the department.
- Any hospital the person was attending
- The family doctor to cancel any home nursing visits
- The Inland Revenue
- The Social Security office if money was being paid directly into bank or building society accounts – for example retirement pension, attendance allowance.
- Any employer and trade union
- Professional associations ie clubs or organisations
- A child or young person’s teacher, employer or college if a parent, brother, sister, grandparent or close friend has died
- A car insurance company (if you are insured to drive the car under the deceased’s name you will cease to be insured)
- The local offices of the gas, electricity and telephone suppliers
- The local housing department or landlord if the person who has died was living in rented accommodation
- The local council Housing Benefit/Council Tax Benefit section if the person who has died was receiving Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Benefit.
- The Post Office so that they can re-direct the deceased person’s mail.
Insurance Policies
If there are any life insurance policies in force these will normally be found with the private papers of the deceased or they may be lodged in the bank or held by solicitors.
Immediate notification of death should be sent to the insurance company concerned with a request that they should confirm that the policy is in force. The insurance company will require a copy of the Death Certificate.
The insurance companies have certain requirements ie:
- The Policy itself
- Sight of a copy of the Death Certificate
- Proof of identity
- Premium receipt book if applicable
- Valid receipt from the legal owner
The valid receipt creates the most problems as in most cases the insurance company requires Probate or Letters of Administration prior to signature being acceptable.
Any changes in the Policy (house mortgage for example) must have been discharged. Industrial insurance policies or those taken out by a third party on the life of the deceased can be settled before Probate or Letters of Administration.
Examination of Trusts will be necessary prior to payment if the policy is in trust or assigned to trustees. It is considered that a client should consult his insurance agent or solicitor or bank manager and due to delays that are inevitable the bank manager may assist financially as a temporary measure.
Motor Insurance
Insurance cover on a vehicle owned by the deceased ceases immediately at the time of death.
The next of kin or executor should inform the insurance company concerned who will offer immediate transfer of cover as appropriate. The vehicle registration documents should be returned in due course to the licensing authority for transfer of ownership to the beneficiary. The driving licence of the deceased should be returned to the licensing authority, for cancelling.
Wills and Probate
Probate and Letters of Administration
If it is known that a Will was made, it is important that the contents be ascertained as soon as possible after death, as it may contain instructions regarding the funeral arrangements. A Will may be among personal papers or with the bank or solicitor for safe keeping. If a solicitor has been consulted by the deceased in the recent past, it is important that you contact them without delay.
Before the estate of the deceased person (ie everything they owned), can be realised and distributed among the persons entitled to share it, a grant of Probate or Letters of Administration is usually required.
Probate – where the deceased has left a Will and the Will is proved to be the lawful act of the deceased person then the District Probate Registry (of the High Court) grants probate to the executors named in the Will enabling them to administer the estate.
Letters of Administration – where there is no Will, the person is said to have died “intestate” and here application must be made to a special division of the High Court usually by the next of kin. This can be dealt with either through a solicitor or directly by the local probate office. The Court, when satisfied as to the claim of the applicant, issues the document known as Letters of Administration appointing the claimant to administer the “intestate” estate.
Click for more Information on
Letters of Administration – where there is no Will, the person is said to have died “intestate” and here application must be made to a special division of the High Court usually by the next of kin. This can be dealt with either through a solicitor or directly by the local probate office. The Court, when satisfied as to the claim of the applicant, issues the document known as Letters of Administration appointing the claimant to administer the “intestate” estate.
Click for more Information on
When someone dies you may need a grant of representation (Probate) to enable you to gain access to and deal with the estate of the deceased. If you do, or think you might, then:
You should either contact a solicitor who will arrange this for you (you will find local firms of solicitors in Yellow Pages) or you can do it yourself
If you want to do it yourself please telephone, for information, forms and guidance:
The Probate & Inheritance Tax Help-line
Monday to Friday 09:00 – 17:00
Or visit
Consult a Solicitor
In most circumstances it is advisable for you to consult a solicitor both to relieve you of many worries and to take control of wills, problems of intestacy, outstanding debts, grants and letters of administration. A solicitor could save you a great deal of unnecessary trouble and eventually save you money.
Click to view the following local solicitors:
Enoch Evans
0121 355 2336
Partridge Allen
01922 452860
Quality Solicitors
0121 756 9839
Ansons Solicitors
0121 716 3716
Financial Planning
Losing someone may cause complicated financial situations. Financial planning can simplify the best solutions for you and your family by minimising Inheritance Tax, Income Tax and Stamp Duty, pension draw down and transfers, accessing and consolidation of investments, disposing or reconstruction of business, money and cashflow advice, confidential and professional support.
Click to view local Financial Planners:
The Will
If it is known that a Will was made it is important that the contents be ascertained as soon as possible after death as it may contain instructions regarding the funeral arrangements.
A Will may be among personal papers or with the bank or solicitor for safe keeping. If a solicitor has been consulted by the deceased in recent past it is important that you contact them without delay.
Direct Marketing Association (Preference Services)

MPS Registration
The Mailing Preference Service (MPS) is a free service set up 20 years ago and funded by the Direct Mail Industry to enable consumers to have their names and home addresses in the in the UK removed from or added to lists used by the industry. It is actively supported by the Royal Mail and all directly involved trade associations and fully supported by the Office of the Information Commissioner.
0845 703 4599

FPS Registration
The Fax Preference Service is a central opt out register whereby businesses (and individuals if they wish) can register their choice not to receive unsolicited sales and marketing faxes.
It is a legal requirement that companies do not send such faxes to numbers registered on the FPS.
0845 070 0702

BabyMPS Registration
Baby MPS is a service, which allows parents who have suffered a miscarriage or bereavement of a baby in the first weeks of life to register their wish not to receive baby related mailings.
Please use their registration form to register your wishes.
020 7291 3310

TPS Registration
The Telephone Preference Service (TPS) is a free service fully supported by the Direct Mail Industry. It helps you to make sure your telephone number is no longer available to organizations who may telephone you with offers and information you do not wish to receive. This is a free service for anyone who wants a say to the post they receive.
0845 070 0707

EPS Registration
The Email Preference Service is a global service allows you to register your email address so as not to receive unsolicited sales and marketing email messages.
Use their registration form to register with the national US service, eMPS.
DWP 'Tell Us Once' service
The Department for Work & Pensions has asked for our help in promoting its cross-Government service – Tell Us Once (TUO).
For many people, dealing with Government – especially when reporting changes in their lives – can require them to repeat and verify the same information to numerous departments, agencies and parts of local authorities. TUO enables people to inform local and central Government of a death just once.
Families can choose whether to do this face to face, by phone or online. Provided the family gives consent, the information is then shared with up to 32 other Government services. TUO has helped over a million families since its inception, with a customer survey showing that 98% of people felt their overall experience of the service was good and they were willing to recommend it to others.
The TUO communications team has designed a poster and customer flyer and is asking NAFD members to display/provide families with these when you hand out information packs, etc. TUO will supply you with a stock of flyers.
TUO Downloads
Click to view and download the following TUO material
- Things to be returned
- People to tell
- Insurance Policies
- Motor Insurance
- Wills and Probate
- Consult a Solicitor
- Financial Planning
- The Will
- Direct Marketing Association (Preference Services)
- DWP ‘Tell Us Once’ service
You should return the following with a note of explanation and the date of death with each of the documents.
- Order books, payable orders or giro-cheques to the Social Security office or other office which issued payment. This applies to a Child Benefit book which includes payment for a child who has died. Orders should not be cashed after the death of the person. It may be useful to keep a record of pension book numbers or other Social Security numbers before you send anything back.
- The deceased’s passport to the Passport Office. You can get an address from the Post Office.
- The deceased’s driving licence to Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency – Swansea, SA99 1AB.
- The registration documents of a car for the change of ownership to be recorded.
- Any season tickets. Claim any refunds due.
- Library books and tickets.
- Any National Insurance papers to the relevant office.
- Any NHS equipment such as wheelchairs, hearing aids, artificial limbs.
- The local social services department of the council if the person received meals on wheels, home help or day centre care or had an appliance or piece of equipment issued by the department.
- Any hospital the person was attending
- The family doctor to cancel any home nursing visits
- The Inland Revenue
- The Social Security office if money was being paid directly into bank or building society accounts – for example retirement pension, attendance allowance.
- Any employer and trade union
- Professional associations ie clubs or organisations
- A child or young person’s teacher, employer or college if a parent, brother, sister, grandparent or close friend has died
- A car insurance company (if you are insured to drive the car under the deceased’s name you will cease to be insured)
- The local offices of the gas, electricity and telephone suppliers
- The local housing department or landlord if the person who has died was living in rented accommodation
- The local council Housing Benefit/Council Tax Benefit section if the person who has died was receiving Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Benefit.
- The Post Office so that they can re-direct the deceased person’s mail.
If there are any life insurance policies in force these will normally be found with the private papers of the deceased or they may be lodged in the bank or held by solicitors.
Immediate notification of death should be sent to the insurance company concerned with a request that they should confirm that the policy is in force. The insurance company will require a copy of the Death Certificate.
The insurance companies have certain requirements ie:
- The Policy itself
- Sight of a copy of the Death Certificate
- Proof of identity
- Premium receipt book if applicable
- Valid receipt from the legal owner
The valid receipt creates the most problems as in most cases the insurance company requires Probate or Letters of Administration prior to signature being acceptable.
Any changes in the Policy (house mortgage for example) must have been discharged. Industrial insurance policies or those taken out by a third party on the life of the deceased can be settled before Probate or Letters of Administration.
Examination of Trusts will be necessary prior to payment if the policy is in trust or assigned to trustees. It is considered that a client should consult his insurance agent or solicitor or bank manager and due to delays that are inevitable the bank manager may assist financially as a temporary measure.
Insurance cover on a vehicle owned by the deceased ceases immediately at the time of death.
The next of kin or executor should inform the insurance company concerned who will offer immediate transfer of cover as appropriate. The vehicle registration documents should be returned in due course to the licensing authority for transfer of ownership to the beneficiary. The driving licence of the deceased should be returned to the licensing authority, for cancelling.
Probate and Letters of Administration
If it is known that a Will was made, it is important that the contents be ascertained as soon as possible after death, as it may contain instructions regarding the funeral arrangements. A Will may be among personal papers or with the bank or solicitor for safe keeping. If a solicitor has been consulted by the deceased in the recent past, it is important that you contact them without delay.
Before the estate of the deceased person (ie everything they owned), can be realised and distributed among the persons entitled to share it, a grant of Probate or Letters of Administration is usually required.
Probate – where the deceased has left a Will and the Will is proved to be the lawful act of the deceased person then the District Probate Registry (of the High Court) grants probate to the executors named in the Will enabling them to administer the estate.
Letters of Administration – where there is no Will, the person is said to have died “intestate” and here application must be made to a special division of the High Court usually by the next of kin. This can be dealt with either through a solicitor or directly by the local probate office. The Court, when satisfied as to the claim of the applicant, issues the document known as Letters of Administration appointing the claimant to administer the “intestate” estate.
Click for more Information on
Letters of Administration – where there is no Will, the person is said to have died “intestate” and here application must be made to a special division of the High Court usually by the next of kin. This can be dealt with either through a solicitor or directly by the local probate office. The Court, when satisfied as to the claim of the applicant, issues the document known as Letters of Administration appointing the claimant to administer the “intestate” estate.
Click for more Information on
When someone dies you may need a grant of representation (Probate) to enable you to gain access to and deal with the estate of the deceased. If you do, or think you might, then:
You should either contact a solicitor who will arrange this for you (you will find local firms of solicitors in Yellow Pages) or you can do it yourself
If you want to do it yourself please telephone, for information, forms and guidance:
The Probate & Inheritance Tax Help-line
Monday to Friday 09:00 – 17:00
Or visit
In most circumstances it is advisable for you to consult a solicitor both to relieve you of many worries and to take control of wills, problems of intestacy, outstanding debts, grants and letters of administration. A solicitor could save you a great deal of unnecessary trouble and eventually save you money.
Click to view the following local solicitors:
Enoch Evans
0121 355 2336
Partridge Allen
01922 452860
Quality Solicitors
0121 756 9839
Ansons Solicitors
0121 716 3716
Losing someone may cause complicated financial situations. Financial planning can simplify the best solutions for you and your family by minimising Inheritance Tax, Income Tax and Stamp Duty, pension draw down and transfers, accessing and consolidation of investments, disposing or reconstruction of business, money and cashflow advice, confidential and professional support.
Click to view local Financial Planners:
If it is known that a Will was made it is important that the contents be ascertained as soon as possible after death as it may contain instructions regarding the funeral arrangements.
A Will may be among personal papers or with the bank or solicitor for safe keeping. If a solicitor has been consulted by the deceased in recent past it is important that you contact them without delay.

MPS Registration
The Mailing Preference Service (MPS) is a free service set up 20 years ago and funded by the Direct Mail Industry to enable consumers to have their names and home addresses in the in the UK removed from or added to lists used by the industry. It is actively supported by the Royal Mail and all directly involved trade associations and fully supported by the Office of the Information Commissioner.
0845 703 4599

FPS Registration
The Fax Preference Service is a central opt out register whereby businesses (and individuals if they wish) can register their choice not to receive unsolicited sales and marketing faxes.
It is a legal requirement that companies do not send such faxes to numbers registered on the FPS.
0845 070 0702

BabyMPS Registration
Baby MPS is a service, which allows parents who have suffered a miscarriage or bereavement of a baby in the first weeks of life to register their wish not to receive baby related mailings.
Please use their registration form to register your wishes.
020 7291 3310

TPS Registration
The Telephone Preference Service (TPS) is a free service fully supported by the Direct Mail Industry. It helps you to make sure your telephone number is no longer available to organizations who may telephone you with offers and information you do not wish to receive. This is a free service for anyone who wants a say to the post they receive.
0845 070 0707

EPS Registration
The Email Preference Service is a global service allows you to register your email address so as not to receive unsolicited sales and marketing email messages.
Use their registration form to register with the national US service, eMPS.
The Department for Work & Pensions has asked for our help in promoting its cross-Government service – Tell Us Once (TUO).
For many people, dealing with Government – especially when reporting changes in their lives – can require them to repeat and verify the same information to numerous departments, agencies and parts of local authorities. TUO enables people to inform local and central Government of a death just once.
Families can choose whether to do this face to face, by phone or online. Provided the family gives consent, the information is then shared with up to 32 other Government services. TUO has helped over a million families since its inception, with a customer survey showing that 98% of people felt their overall experience of the service was good and they were willing to recommend it to others.
The TUO communications team has designed a poster and customer flyer and is asking NAFD members to display/provide families with these when you hand out information packs, etc. TUO will supply you with a stock of flyers.
TUO Downloads
Click to view and download the following TUO material
Disclaimer: Ian Hazel Funerals Ltd urges clients to support the advertisers but cannot be held responsible for the claims made or implied by the advertisers, for services offered or goods available.